    发布时间: 2019-10-24 10:47    
维多利亚大学(UVic)是加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省第二古老的学位授予大学,这所中型大学位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省大维多利亚(东北维多利亚)。维多利亚大学以它显赫的声望、美丽的花园、温和的气候而著称。学校吸引众多学生的部分原因是由于其独特的地理位置和合作教育计划。 维多利亚大学是VENUS项目的国家领导机构,也是NEPTUNE项目的加拿大领先者。学校的出版社吗特列特,也是CUP的成员之一。在维多利亚大学,你将有机会接触到世界级的教授,改变生活的机会,并有可能领略到其他任何大学都不能提供的最有吸引力的和充满活力的学术氛围。 维多利亚大学一直致力于国际间的文化教育交流,先后与数十所世界各国的著名大学联合办学。

最低年龄 无明确要求
学历要求 高中毕业
平均分 --
传统托福(PBT) 575
密歇根英语考试 90
IB --
其它要求 1、维多利亚大学预备课程(University of Victoria University Admission Preparation (UAP)):成绩达到总成绩的80%。 2、维多利亚大学预备课程(University Admission Preparation)高级英语与加拿大研究(Advanced English and Canadian Studies program):英语部分成绩达到80%,或加拿大研究部分达到60%。 3、留学生衔接课程(Pathways Program for International Students):完成相关课程。
在线申请表 在线填写
成绩单 1、中文版 2、外文版 英语 3、官方
申请费交纳 在线提交材料申请费: 117加元
推荐信 推荐信内容说明 申请以下专业需提交推荐信: 儿童语青年护理。
个人陈述   要求 1贸易专业: Answer the following questioin pra raph format (minimum of 250 words): "What are the 3 things that you want us to know ab out you.and how will these contribute to your suc cess in University and our Commerce degree program?" 要求 2.儿童与青年护理专业: Statementofintent Awritten submission that addresses the following: Tell us about yourself and your interestin the Ch ild and Youth Careprogram (500 to 600words) What is your understanding of the field of Child a nd Youth Care and how would you like to furtheryo ur knowledge and practice in this area? (500 to 60 0 words) In an increasingly globalized world we face comple x challenges As a Child and Youth Care student wh at do you think are the main challenges and how do you envision yourself responding to these challen ges? (500to 600words} 要求 3.健康信息科学专业: Statement of intent A witen submission that addresses the following: What you know about Health Information Science as a field of study and career path. The type of work you would like to do when you gra What you see as your major strengths/ weaknesses. What alternatives to Health Information Science yo u have considered. 4 健康与社区服务: Statement of Intent A witen submission that addresses the following: Your preferred area of focus and second choice of area of focus Your purpose in seeking a degree in health and com mun ity senvices How this degree will relate to your experience,go als and career plans Your preference for full- or part-time study
申请本科所需材料 按学校要求撰写的论文 1.贸易专业: Short-answer question Answer one of the following questions in paragraph format (minimum of 100 words): "Our Commerce degree program has features,includi ng experiential learning.international exchange a nd specializations,which characterize it from oth ers Which differentiating feature of our Commerce program appeals to you he most and why?" "At the Gustavson School of Business,we see thing s differently.What change would you like to see i n the world and how can you contribute to this cha nge?" 按学校要求撰写的论文 2.戏剧专业: Essay 1(under 500 words,typed and do uble-spa ced) Why do you wish to pursue your education at the Un iversity of Victoria as opposed to another liberal arts university or a professional training school such as the National Theatre School,University o fAlberta or Langara College? Essay 2 (under 500 words,typed and double-spaced) Name a play that you have read.seen or been invol ved in that excited you Specifically.what did yo u like about the play?
个人简历 说明 申请以下专业需提交简历: 贸易、戏剧、儿童与青年护理 、健康信息服务、健康与社区服务、
材料提交方式 官网提交 hts://www.uvic.ca/future-students/undegradua/ admissions/index.php邮寄至学校