最低年龄 | 无明确要求 |
学历要求 | 高中毕业 |
传统托福(PBT) | 600 |
托福网考(IBT) | 100 |
雅思 | 7.0 |
PTE | 70 |
其它要求 | 需提交SAT、ACT考试成绩。 |
在线申请表 | 在线填写 |
申请费交纳 | 在线提交材料申请费: 85美元 |
财产证明 | 1.财产证明 |
材料提交方式 | 电子邮件 邮寄至学校 第三方平台 Common App I ca tion Universal College Application |
推荐信 | 1.授课教师 2.班主任 3.数里 4.推荐信内容说明 |
面试 | 参加第三方面试 中国申请者参加nitialView面试 |
申请本科所需材料 |
1.Common Application Prompts All applicants who complete the Common Aplication will choose to respond to one of the following fi ve essay prompts The personal essay length is cap ped at 650 words. 1.Some students have a background.identity,inter est,or talentthatis so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you,then please share your st ory. 2.The lessonswe take from failure can be fundamen tal to later success.Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure.How did it affect y ou,and what did you learn from the experience? 3.Reflectonatimewhenyouchallengedabelief r idea.What prompted you to act? Would you make t he same decision again? 4. Describe a problem you've solved or a problem y ou'd like to solve.It can be an intellectual cha lenge,a research query.an ethical dilemma-anyth ing that is of personal importance,no matter the scale .Explain its significance to you and what st eps you took or could be taken to identifya solut ion. 5. Discuss an accomplishment or event,formal or in formal,that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within yourculture,community.orf amily.
按学校要求撰写的论文 2. Universal College Application Prompt All a pplicants who complete the Universal College Application will write a personal statement respon ding to the following prompt. Please write an essay (650 words or fewer) thatde monstrates your ability to develop and communicate your thoughts.Some ideas include a person you a dmire; a life-changing experience; or your viewpoi nt on a particular current event. 按学校要求撰写的论文 3. The following question is required for Engineeri ng applicants. .If you are applying to the Pratt School of Engin eering as eithera first-year or transfer applican t,please discuss why you want to study engineerin g and why you would like to study at Duke (1 50 wo rdsmaximum) 按学校要求撰写的论文 4. The following question is required for Arts & Sc iences applicants. "lfyou are applying to the Trinity College ofAr ts & Sciences as either a first-year or transfer a pplicant,please discuss why you consider Duke a g ood match for you.Is there something particular a boutDukethatattractsyou? (150wordsmaximum) 按学校要求撰写的论文 5. The following question is optional for all appli cants to Duke University. .Duke University seeks a talented,engaged studen tbodythatembodies thewide range of human exper ience; we believe that the diversity of our studen ts makes our community stronger.It you'd like tc share a perspective you bring or experiences you'v e had to help us understand you better-perhaps re lated to a community you belong to,your sexual or ientation or gender identity,or your family or cu ltural background-we encourage you to do so Real people are reading yourapplication.and we want to do our bestto understand and appreciate the re al people applying to Duke.(250 words maximum)
成绩单 | 官方 |
根据学科要求提交材料 | 学校要求其它材料 艺术专业根据专业要求提交材料 |
语言要求与标准化考试成绩 | √ |
评分报告 | 1.学校评分报告(含成绩和老师评语) 2.年中学校评分报告 3.期末学校评分报告 |
其它说明 |
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